
I think human beings tend to react the same way to being snowed in regardless of the level of external responsibility is present. Even though so few people I know actually have to commute to their jobs or classes, when the snow begins to pile up, it becomes hard to ignore the siren's song that starts emanating from your bed. On this, I blame my late submission of this blog post.
There's something highly satisfying about learning CSS. I had taken this class previously, but I couldn't say that my previous instructor's teaching style was particularly techinically- inclined, and so I came out of that experience with fundamental knowledge of HTML and practically no knowledge of CSS.
If I had to compare the experience to something, it would be a balancing puzzle; like trying to fit as many items as you can on an increasingly-large plate without tipping it over. It takes the following pattern: make a couple adjustments, check for stability, and either undo or continue.
The first project is coming together at a good clip; the landing page now looks practically identical to the proposal; styling the auxilliary pages comes next.
